a love letter to SVGs

May 2024

I am, in love with Scalable Vector Graphics. With SVGs. Something about absolute perfection and precision, needing to be created out of a mathematical formula that will span decades of growth and advancements. The Scalable Vector Graphic format will stand the test of time as it is founded in the laws of mathematics.
I started designing because of scalable vectors, being fascinated by the ability to scale something so large, or so small, only for it to stay in the same quality regardless. Only being bottlenecked by the medium it was placed upon. Business card? Not a high enough dpi. Billboard? Not far away enough. Monitor? PPI not large enough.
The distaste I had for pixels, for circles on a screen being made from smaller squares, for real life objects not being able to be machined into perfect curves due to the size of molecules and atoms not being curved to their core. Earth itself, not being a perfect sphere due to the way gravity functions. All of it wasn't perfect, but the scalable vector graphic, was.
Just like mathematics, the issue will always be with the perception. In the world of mathematics, anything is possible if it follows the rules defined by itself. Just like vectors. In their own world, where everything is perfect, they too are perfect, but when perceived in the wrong way, they can be deformed into wrong interpretations. Taking the scalable vector graphic out of its dimension will force it to deform itself around our world, which one must learn to live with. But let me, in my own time, live with it, live within that world, where all is vector, and all is perfect.
Thank you W3C, for this blessed format.